Wonders We Have Missed

The sun goes down in a blaze of glory,
Painting the sky with its fire.
The wind reaches up towards the heavens,
Carrying the birds ever higher.
The day doesn't disappear quietly,
The sun's last glow slowly fading.
A hush settles over the world,
And everything seems to be waiting.

A mist descends on the meadow,
Stars peer from their hiding place.
The moon rises over the mountains,
A silver light shines from his face.
The moon doesn't reach the shadows,
It hides more than it reveals.
The morning sun is so far away,
So far that it doesn't seem real.

Nighttime has come to the valley,
Its scent carries on a cool breeze.
The creatures who ran in the sun,
Now sleep beneath trees' canopies.
But while we are sleeping and dreaming,
The woods and fields are astir
As animals roam in the darkness
With footsteps that are so quick and sure.

Although the night seems to be endless,
The sun will rise in the east.
Daylight will return to the world,
And the mystery of night will then cease.
We should take time to walk in the darkness,
To peer through the shadows and mist.
We should look beyond our own world,
And see the wonders we have missed.

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